moving with intention program
The ultimate flexibility solution to improve your fitness and your mood
improve your mental focus
As you practice these exercises, you will discover the power of your mind when it comes to your endurance.
increase your strength
Flexibility and strength go hand in hand in this program. Some of theses exercises are specifically designed to make your body stronger and more defined.
acquire cool skills
Being able to achieve the five poses you will learn in the program is motivating in itself. You easily see your progress and you feel proud of your accomplishments.
become more flexible
My life has been transformed since I started working on my flexibility. I trust you will feel the same way as you move through the process.
learn 5 yoga poses to improve your strength and flexibility
The program Moving With Intention is a 3-stage roadmap that will help you achieve yoga poses for strength and flexibility: the front splits, the side split, the wheel, king pigeon, and the standing split.
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ProgRam curriculum
Welcome video and how to use this program.
Stage 1 Split Exercise Video
Stage 2 Split Exercise Video
Stage 3 Split Exercise Video
Stage 1 Split Exercise Video
Stage 2 Split Exercise Video
Stage 3 Split Exercise Video
Stage 1 Wheel Exercise Video
Stage 2 Wheel Exercise Video
Stage 3 Wheel Exercise Video
Stage 1 King Pigeon Exercise Video
Stage 2 King Pigeon Exercise Video
Stage 3 King Pigeon Exercise Video
Stage 1 Lower Body Mobility Exercise Video
Stage 2 Lower Body Mobility Exercise Video
Stage 3 Lower Body Mobility Exercise Video
5 Calendar Options to Suit your Needs and Your Goals