The best way to enjoy the Holidays is to stay healthy. Sure, you can give yourself enough leeway to have fun without feeling guilty, but how about you keep up with some healthy holiday habits this year? These proven healthy holiday habits will enable you to feel great while indulging in your joyous celebrations.
Top 5 Healthy Holiday Habits to Keep Up in 2020
So, you don’t want to feel guilty this year? You don’t want to end up sick from eating to many sweets and too many parties? But, you would still like to be able to have some guilt-free fun? This post if for you! Read on, I will share the top 5 proven healthy holiday habits you can easily keep up this year.
1. Keep Up Intermittent Fasting
Should it surprise you that on a blog about fasting, the number one healthy holiday habit would be intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting is the easiest, cheapest and most effective health habit you can keep up this year. You may have to modify it a bit, but you can certainly keep it going without any difficulty. The best way to practice intermittent fasting during the holidays is to maintain at least a 12-hour fasting window everyday and on days without celebrations, extend your fasting window to at least 20 hours. These longer fasts will help regulate your insulin, reduce your appetite and clear out your system from some overindulgences you may have enjoyed.
2. Take Your Supplements
Taking your supplements is a habit you can easily keep up during the holidays without feeling deprived. Your supplements will help fill the nutritional gaps that can affect your health even when you are eating the cleanest most whole food diet you can sustain. You may already have experimented with supplements and be content with you current supplementation regime. If that’s the case great! Move on to my tip number 3. If you would like some suggestions, let me share what supplements gave me the most bang for my buck over the years.
Power Shake
If you have been following me for any length of time, you know that I tend to recommend the Power Shake quite often. It’s my number one whole food supplement. I break my fasts with it and it has totally transformed my health along with intermittent fasting. It’s a superfood shake that is all organic and dehydrated at 80F to preserve as much of the nutrition as possible from all its powerful plant foods.
Vitamin C and antioxidants are an essential part of any supplementation regimen, particularly during flu season. I sometimes buy a vitamin C supplement for an added boost, but most of the time, I just stick to the Apothe-Cherry. It is made from tart cherries, one of the most nutrient-dense food, that have a high ORAC value plus a whid variety of antioxidants and phytochemicals. Another benefit is that they help your body produce natural melatonin, so you will enjoy the best sleep of your life.
Vitamin D
Most people need to supplement with vitamin D, particularly during Winter time. I have noticed I get sick much less frequently when I take my vitamin D supplement every day during the Winter months. Vitamin D is cheap and effective.
The importance of a good probiotic is widely recognized by now. The reason I love the BiomeMedic is that is has been shown to help your body detox from glyphosate. It also has helped many customers gluten sensitivity.
Histamine Block
Last, but not least, my Histamine Block. I discovered this one pretty recently. I would recommend to anyone who tends to struggle with allergies. Even if they are just environmental allergies like mold, dust, cats, and dogs. I used to struggle with many sneezing fits, particularly during ragweed season. I no longer do and I can even indulge in eating cheese occasionally without feeling stuffy since I have been taking the Histamine Block.
3. Get Enough Sleep
You might think this is a difficult holiday health habit to keep up with all the parties and the activities of the Holidays. It’s not as hard as you think, particularly if you give your body some help with the Apothe-Cherry. Like I mentioned already, it will help your body produce some natural melatonin and give you a very restorative sleep. Also, whenever you are not out with friends and family, make sure you turn your device and the TV off at a reasonable time. Grab a good book, listen to some music or a podcast. These activities will help you wind down for the night.
4. Exercise
You might be tempted to drop your workout routine during the Holidays. I suggest you don’t. It’s actually not that hard to keep it up and it will really help you keep on track with everything else. You will feel great, accomplished and it will make it easier to not splurge on sweets. You don’t have to go out and spend 2 hours at the gym. One half an hour online workout a few times a week is all you need! I love for my workouts. The workouts are free and you can buy affordable workout programs to take all the guesswork out of the equation.
5. Drink Plenty of Water
Hey, I am not saying you can’t have wine or whatever alcohol you like to have fun during the Holidays. Just make sure you don’t drink tons of sugary drinks and keep hydrated. Wine and other alcoholic beverages tend to dehydrate you. When I drink a glass of wine, I like to make sure I drink a tall glass of water as well. It’s a good way to reduce your chances of getting a headache the next day. It will also help you ensure that you don’t get drunk. It’s OK to enjoy relaxing with a glass of wine, it’s a different thing to overdo it and make yourself sick in the process.
Healthy Holiday Life Habits Video
In Summary
What do you think about these top 5 healthy holiday habits? Not too difficult right? You can easily make sure you keep practicing intermittent fasting, taking your supplements, getting enough sleep, exercising, and drinking enough water without feeling deprived over the Holidays. It will enable you to enjoy the festivities while maintaining your health and avoiding getting sleep. It’s a win-win!