Fasting Guidelines

Can You Drink Coffee When Intermittent Fasting?

Can you drink coffee when intermittent fasting? It depends on whether coffee affects your blood glucose or not. This post will answer all your questions and help determine if you can enjoy your cup of mojo while fasting. Plus, I will give you some delicious intermittent fasting coffee recipes that are unlikely to affect your

Can You Drink Coffee When Intermittent Fasting? Read More »

How Dirty Fasting Can Help or Hinder Your Weight Loss Progress

What is dirty fasting? How can it help or hinder your weight loss progress? These are the two main questions I am going to address today. What is Dirty Fasting? It’s pretty simple: dirty fasting means you are consuming calories during your fast. Technically, anything with calories breaks a fast. However, depending on how your

How Dirty Fasting Can Help or Hinder Your Weight Loss Progress Read More »

What Breaks a Fast and What Doesn’t: An Indispensable Guide

More and more people are aware of the benefits of practicing intermittent fasting. Many get started to lose weight, but when it comes to achieving maximum healing benefits, many ask: Will I ruin my fast if I consume this or that? In this post, I will answer all the most frequently asked questions regarding what

What Breaks a Fast and What Doesn’t: An Indispensable Guide Read More »